Disney’s live-action remake of the 1940 classic Pinocchio arrived as part of Disney+ Day’s new arrivals on the platform. Like many of Disney’s recent movies, Pinocchio is a visually updated retread of one of their original animated movies from their long history, but also in line with movies such as The Lion King, the film has been slammed as lifeless by critics and audiences. Starring Tom Hanks and Cynthia Erivo and the voice talents of Keegan-Michael Key, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, among others, and directed by the legendary Robert Zemeckis, it is easy to expect a lot from the movie, but it seems once again the flashy modern visuals just can’t match the heart and soul of the 80-year-old original.
Disney’s live-action Pinocchio debuted on Disney+ but failed to win over the majority of critics and audiences. Read More