September 11, 2024 7:34 am

Exclusive Eternal Spring Clip: Chinese Activists Plan a TV Hijacking in Animated Recreation of 2002 Event
Exclusive Eternal Spring Clip: Chinese Activists Plan a TV Hijacking in Animated Recreation of 2002 Event

Exclusive Eternal Spring Clip: Chinese Activists Plan a TV Hijacking in Animated Recreation of 2002 Event

Lofty Sky Pictures is gearing up for the U.S. theatrical release of the animated documentary Eternal Spring, and ahead of the premiere, we can first debut an exclusive clip. Having debuted in Canadian theaters last month, Eternal Spring has since begun its week-long exclusive showings in New York’s Film Forum starting on Oct. 14, though it will be expanding nationwide to more than 50 markets on Oct. 21, 2022. The film features an animated recreation of the night Chinese activists hack into state television, and our sneak peek clip, shown below, touches on what led up to the hijacking and teases the first steps of the bold and perilous plan.


​The animated documentary Eternal Spring retraces the true story of the Falun Gong spiritual movement’s takeover of Chinese television in 2002. Read More