The acclaimed, multi-award nominated show Luther is gearing up for a massive comeback this upcoming spring. The fate of Luther’s continuation had been in limbo for a few years due to BBC not releasing the show’s renewal status and Idris Elba announcing that he wasn’t returning for a sixth season. Despite the grey area, passionate fans have kept hope that the complicated but devoted detective would return to the screen in some fashion, especially since the idea of a movie adaptation has been floating around for some time. After a long-awaited return (and a few teasers from Elba), the Luther cinematic universe continues with a film adaptation, Luther: The Fallen Sun, premiering March 2023 on Netflix. In an EW exclusive, Elba and the film’s director Jamie Payne divulged more information about the plot for the upcoming feature.
Idris Elba and director Jamie Payne discuss the boundary-pushing detective’s long-awaited return to screen Read More