September 17, 2024 9:39 am

Marin Ireland Stars in New Horror Birth/Rebirth
Marin Ireland Stars in New Horror Birth/Rebirth

Marin Ireland Stars in New Horror Birth/Rebirth

A new horror film, Birth/Rebirth, directed by Laura Moss, takes on the darker sides of child-rearing with a twisted and queasily clinical approach, as the film recently premiered at the Sundance Film Festival. Marin Ireland plays a pathologist named Rose, who becomes obsessed with using science to bring a dead child back to life. The film explores the themes of birth, death, and the way beyond. The Hollywood Reporter writes that Birth/Rebirth is not for the faint of heart and takes cues from classic horror films such as Stuart Gordon’s Re-Animator, Dracula, and Frankenstein in its grisly portrayal of two women who resurrect a little girl’s corpse in the name of science and love.


​Birth/Rebirth directed by Laura Moss and starring Marin Ireland features female horror. Read More