In a remarkable cinematic achievement, director Christopher Nolan has broken his own record with Oppenheimer, which is now the highest-grossing World War II film in history. This gripping film takes inspiration from the Pulitzer Prize-winning book “American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer” written by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin. Through the lens of Nolan’s storytelling, Oppenheimer unveils the intriguing life of J. Robert Oppenheimer, who held a pivotal role at the Los Alamos Laboratory during the Manhattan Project. It delves into the complexities of his contribution to the creation of the atomic bomb and his inner turmoil about the immense destructive potential that the invention held.
Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer has surpassed his own record, overtaking Dunkirk as the highest-grossing WWII film of all time. Read More