The official teaser trailer for Stream, the upcoming slasher movie from the producers of Terrifier 2, has finally been released. The film was directed/produced by Michael Leavy, whose younger brother is also a producer and one of the slashers. Other producers on the film include Steven Della Salla, Marcus Slabine, Damien Leone, Phil Falcone, and George Steuber. Besides that, Stream also hails from Fuzz on the Lens Productions. The plot follows Roy Keenan (Charles Edwin Powell) and Elaine Keenan (Danielle Harris), a married couple who realize that there family is drifting apart. In order to remedy that, they decide to take a vacation at a quaint hotel that soon becomes a battleground when four deranged murders invade the ground. Other characters who get caught up in the mayhem are Detective Hart (Terry Alexander), Linda Spring (Dee Wallace), Howard (Daniel Roebuck), Donna (Felissa Rose) and John (Bob Adrian). Check out the Stream trailer below:
Read More Stream hails from the same team that brought Terrifier 2 to screens, and will debut sometime in 2024.