September 15, 2024 10:54 am

Malcolm McDowell on Retiring: 'I'll Go On for As Long as I'm Having Fun'
Malcolm McDowell on Retiring: 'I'll Go On for As Long as I'm Having Fun'

Malcolm McDowell on Retiring: ‘I’ll Go On for As Long as I’m Having Fun’

The face of Malcolm McDowell has been written into the cultural lexicon and seared into the minds of cinephiles everywhere thanks to the eyes-wide-open torture scene of A Clockwork Orange, the utter debauchery of Caligula, the boarding school revolution in If…, and many more classic films. Once the mascot of the rebellious counterculture, McDowell remains a unique and prolific figure more than half a century after gaining international stardom.


​The Clockwork Orange and Caligula actor stars in the new film Cellphone and spoke about acting for more than 50 years. Read More