September 20, 2024 10:34 pm

Jamie Foxx Hit with One of HIs Worst Rotten Tomatoes Scores for New Parody Movie
Jamie Foxx Hit with One of HIs Worst Rotten Tomatoes Scores for New Parody Movie

Jamie Foxx Hit with One of HIs Worst Rotten Tomatoes Scores for New Parody Movie

Not Another Church Movie may have some top talent, including Jamie Foxx and Mickey Rourke, but the film has landed both of them one of the worst Rotten Tomatoes scores of their careers. In fact, the parody movie initially debuted with a 0% score from the five critics who even bothered to review it, and only its sixth review pulled that up to 17%.


​Jamie Foxx as God and Mickey Rourke as the devil cannot save Not Another Church Movie from almost landing a 0% approval rating. Read More