February 17, 2025 1:18 pm

Aliens to Pennywise: Horror Icons Get Pixar Makeover in AI Fan Art
Aliens to Pennywise: Horror Icons Get Pixar Makeover in AI Fan Art

Aliens to Pennywise: Horror Icons Get Pixar Makeover in AI Fan Art

The world of AI-art loves to throw up some intriguing possibilities when it comes to which unlikely movie franchises could get a Pixar-style art makeover. As one of the most popular AI-assisted requests when it comes to art generation, regular contributor The-ai-dreams has been dipping into the “what if” bucket and pulled out the unlikely combination of Pixar animation and horror movie icons, including new looks for Ridley Scotts Alien and Stephen Kings Pennywise.


​Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Hannibal Lecter,and the Babadook are also among the familiar faces of terror getting a playful Pixar make-over. Read More