February 9, 2025 6:27 pm

Robert Englund Had to Defend Freddy Krueger's Iconic Hat to Wes Craven: 'It Was Kind of Silly'
Robert Englund Had to Defend Freddy Krueger's Iconic Hat to Wes Craven: 'It Was Kind of Silly'

Robert Englund Had to Defend Freddy Krueger’s Iconic Hat to Wes Craven: ‘It Was Kind of Silly’

Indiana Jones and Freddy Krueger are two of the most popular film characters of all time…but that’s not the only thing the two share in common. Stylistically speaking, Indiana and Freddy (portrayed by Harrison Ford and Robert Englund, respectively), are on opposing ends, but they do rely on the same accessory for their signature looks: a fedora hat. But could anyone confuse the two characters? Why you would think the obvious answer is “no,” during a recent interview with PEOPLE, Englund shared how he convinced A Nightmare on Elm Street creator Wes Craven and producer Bob Shaye not to change Freddy’s headwear.


​Wes Craven was worried the horror icon might remind people of Indiana Jones. Read More