Remember crypto? Well, A24 and Apple Studios are joining forces to bring audiences the not-so-forgotten story of infamous crypto-bro and criminal, Samuel Benjamin Bankman-Fried, or SBF for short. Born in 1992, SBF is an American entrepreneur who started FTX, or Future Exchange, Trading Ltd. in 2019, which went on to quickly become the third-largest digital currency exchange, once valued at $32 billion. However, as detailed in author Michael Lewis’s New York Times bestseller Going Infinite: The Rise and Fall of a New Tycoon, SBF was and always had been a fraud in his cryptocurrency endeavors. Lewis chronicles the personal story of the unlikely entrepreneur who left the former cryptocurrency exchange and hedge fund company in bankruptcy after an $8 billion-sized hole was found in FTX’s accounts.
Lena Dunham has been brought on as screenwriter for A24 and Apple’s adaptation of Michael Lewis’s account of the infamous criminal crypto bro. Read More