December 4, 2024 12:12 am

A24 & Apple to Produce Sam Bankman-Fried Film Written by Lena Dunham
A24 & Apple to Produce Sam Bankman-Fried Film Written by Lena Dunham

A24 & Apple to Produce Sam Bankman-Fried Film Written by Lena Dunham

Remember crypto? Well, A24 and Apple Studios are joining forces to bring audiences the not-so-forgotten story of infamous crypto-bro and criminal, Samuel Benjamin Bankman-Fried, or SBF for short. Born in 1992, SBF is an American entrepreneur who started FTX, or Future Exchange, Trading Ltd. in 2019, which went on to quickly become the third-largest digital currency exchange, once valued at $32 billion. However, as detailed in author Michael Lewis’s New York Times bestseller Going Infinite: The Rise and Fall of a New Tycoon, SBF was and always had been a fraud in his cryptocurrency endeavors. Lewis chronicles the personal story of the unlikely entrepreneur who left the former cryptocurrency exchange and hedge fund company in bankruptcy after an $8 billion-sized hole was found in FTX’s accounts.


​Lena Dunham has been brought on as screenwriter for A24 and Apple’s adaptation of Michael Lewis’s account of the infamous criminal crypto bro. Read More