Check out the teaser trailer for Night of the Zoopocalypse, a new animated movie starring David Harbour. After a meteor unleashes a virus that turns zoo animals into zombies, a mountain lion (David Harbour) and wolf (Gabbi Kosmidis) lead a team of surviving animals to stop the virus and rescue their zoo. The movie, inspired by a Clive Barker story, is coming to theaters across North America on March 7, 2025, from Viva Pictures.
Read More Check out the teaser trailer for Night of the Zoopocalypse, a new animated movie starring David Harbour. After a meteor unleashes a virus that turns zoo animals into zombies, a mountain lion (David Harbour) and wolf (Gabbi Kosmidis) lead a team of surviving animals to stop the virus and rescue their zoo. The movie, inspired by a Clive Barker story, is coming to theaters across North America on March 7, 2025, from Viva Pictures.